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cycle syncng experience...
call options
60 min intensive call
Whether you're a female entrepreneur or a woman on her cycle syncing journey--you will benefit from having an expert looking at your unique situation and pointing out any blind spots that could be keeping you from being your most optimal self.
Prior to our 60 min call you will fill out an in depth health history form so that our time together isn't spent learning about you, but rather formulating the next steps you can take to reach whatever goals you desire.
*no cycle syncing experience needed
calendar audit
For the female entrepreneur or badass woman who finds herself using the 'I'm too busy' excuse more than she'd like. If you feel like your calendar is running YOU instead of YOU running your calendar, than this is a perfect start in syncing multiple aspects of your life with your cycle. The syncing of your calendar to align with your cycle is the holy grail in experiencing more time and energy. ​
*no cycle syncing experience needed
24 hour voxer voucher
Imagine having a direct line to your cycle syncing fairy godmother (aka the menstrual mogul!). This is a day pass to have live coaching inside of a voice memo app (Voxer) around any topic you're currently struggling with. Women often love this option as a follow up to a course, masterclass or wanting to dip their toes into the cycle syncing universe.
*no cycle syncing experience needed, one time use only.