test out the cycle syncing waters...

free resources
for biz owners the week of her period
As women we are made to believe that the week of our period is a time where we are weak, feeble and can't be trusted with our emotions. One of the magical things that happens once you begin cycle syncing is that you see how powerful experiences take place the week of your period thanks to the way our brain is working.
Learn from the Period Power Plays masterclass replay in what narratives to ditch, the superpowers you have the week of your period and an example of what to focus on in your work during that week.
for the mogul prepping to go viral
Many business owners are churning out content hoping for it to go viral and reach a sea of their ideal clients. The problem that comes up is that they don't have the foundations in place to HANDLE the virality when it finally takes place (which puts a big stressor on our hormones + our cycle).
Learn what I wish I had before I went viral many times, the boundaries to hold to manage your stress and what the secret ticket is in reaching more people.
for the ceo that desires a deeper connection with her cycle
If there was one thing that had complete influence over your creativity, energy, productivity and communication, you'd be sure to factor that into your business approach, right?!
Learn HOW hormones influence your biz, WHY your cycle should be a factor in your strategy and STEPS to weaving these superpowers into your work.
for the woman ready to sell with her cycle's superpowers
For the CEO who runs an online business that requires selling (whether it be on IG stories, Tiktok, email or podcasting) and wants to optimize the parts of her cycle where selling feels EFFORTLESS, this free masterclass will teach you exactly how to do that!
for the woman who desires less painful periods
If you are just beginning your journey in learning more about your cycle and how to match your food and movement throughout each phase, this is your place to start. Because we ALL know when we are getting our period, right!?
Inside of the Menstrual Meal Plan you will receive 11 pages of recipes and accompanying shopping list that is full of ingredients to begin making your periods a lot more easy.
for the glam gal that desires less toxicity in her life
Ingredients in makeup, deodorants, household products and more can f*%$ up our hormones and cause nasty side effects like PMS, painful periods and skin conditions.
But what's a gal to do when she wants to live a glam life without the side of hormone disruptors?! Check out the Feed Your Skin Guide with my favorite products that are hormone friendly (and actually freaking work).