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3 Signs Your Hormones Need Love

Hormones can be overwhelming....

Which ones matter?

How do we know if they are working in harmony?

WTF do I do if they are off balance?

Take it from a certified Women's Hormone Coach: there is a reason WHY I don't interpret lab tests or too much technical shit like that.

HOWEVER, I will say that my clients + I get VERY FAR in balancing our hormones and getting our cycle to work flawlessly WITHOUT expensive testing or interpretations.

And this is thanks to your BODY giving your signals..and if you listen closely you will know EXACTLY what she needs.


As a cycle syncing coach, I act as a translator between your body and you (like Duolingo for your hormones).

Here are some of the tell-tale signs your hormones need some love + what I suggest my 1:1 clients do.

ACNE: during ovulation or right before your period, this is a sign that you could have too much estrogen in your body and your skin is the sender of this message. Be sure to be using hormone friendly skin products and focus on liver love.

*I use this Liver Juice by Organic Olivia daily to support my liver (and because we simply exist in 2023).

MOOD SWINGS: there is that one week during the month where we are ready to divorce our spouse, quit our business and feel that we want to lock ourselves in a room because everything we touch BURNS to do the ground.

You're not alone but this is a sign that your hormones are going on a rollercoaster instead of flowing seamlessly.

Not to mention cortisol (our stress hormone) is VERY sensitive during this phase of our cycle. Be sure to practice a LOT of self care during this phase as well as boundaries.

*Most importantly, eat often, especially foods that support this phase. My clients + myself have rid ourselves of this rollercoaster by using the methods I teach inside of my course, Feed Your Phase.

CRAMPS: if you've been in one of my courses you know that two of the key player hormones in our cycle is estrogen and progesterone. Most women with PMS or painful periods are dealing with a ratio imbalance of these hormones (too much estrogen or not enough progesterone). This imbalance is usually the culprit behind those painful period cramps.

I used to be tied to my heating pad, calling out of work and almost physically ill the first few days of my period. Now, thanks to syncing my food to my cycle, I have completely eliminated the cramps (and if they come back I know exactly WHY!).

Now, before you go thinking you have to do a complete 180 restrictive diet or workout regimen to get rid of these pesky symptoms...YOU DON'T.

Girl, a little goes so freaking far with cycle syncing!

I've had clients tell me they straight up half-asses what I teach and they have exponentially less PMS + painful periods.

What's holding you back from getting started?!


You're about to be bombarded with summer fitness + diet plans that will restrict you in MANY ways.

Most of all these plans will straight up IGNORE your cycle which in turn makes you gain that weight back and feel like you're an inconsistent woman.

YOU ARE NOT THE PROBLEM (these archaic programs that only work if you have a 🍆 are.)

To achieve consistency, results + freedom like you never have before means doing something you never have before.

💜Use a cycle syncing approach to your health + fitness goals by using my signature program, Feed Your Phase.

For details, pricing + payment plans, click here.


For the Not Your Average Woman: a woman who knows she is meant for less stress, more energy & living in a way that has her working smarter not harder.

& how does she do this?!

Through way of prioritizing her hormones, syncing multiple aspects of her cycle & working with a coach support her along every step of the way

(hi, it's me!)🙋🏻‍♀️

1:1 Coaching is OFFICIALLY OPEN (4 spots available).

My 1:1 clients have gone from:




'crying inconsolably'

to literally living their BEST lives by prioritizing their cycle & having me guide them through the journey.

What is 1:1 coaching?

Imagine having me in your back pocket to coach you through those painful periods, PMS mood swings, times where stress is HIGH & giving you practical tools to help you navigate these situations?!

I'm bringing my 10+ years in the coaching industry to my 1:1 clients & it WON'T disappoint.

My 1:1 coaching includes 3 mo + 6 mo options, available through application only.

Included in each container is:

  • 90 min Activation Call

  • Weekday Voxer (voice memo app) support for daily coaching

  • Follow up calls bi-weekly

  • Access to ALL of my courses + resources (so you don't have to know much about cycle syncing to do this!)

and not to mention, the transformation you're going to experience will BLOW YOU AWAY!

Because of the intimate nature of this container, you MUST apply! After you fill out the form below we will have a 15 min call (on me!) to see if this is the right fit for YOU!

Medical Disclaimer

Information in this document is provided for informational purposes only. The information is a result of practice, experience, and research by Jacqueline Renee Glod. This information is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your primary care physician or other healthcare professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging.

Do not use the information in this document for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing medication or other treatment. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Always speak with your primary care physician or other health care professional before taking any nutritional, herbal or homeopathic supplement or using any treatment for a health problem.



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